Ocean: Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool: Monthly Maps

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Plot monthly maps or vertical cross-sections from different reanalysis datasets as well as differences between reanalyses. Means, anomalies and climatologies are available.

? Dataset 1
? Subtract a Dataset 2?
? Variable Depth
? Enter years for composites (from 1 to 20): e.g. 1972. For seasons that span a year (e.g. DJF), please enter year of the LAST month.

Enter year range (limit 50 years). Year should correspond to last month of season. DJF 1982-83 entered as 1983 to 1983.
1st Year of range to last year of range

? Begin month of "season" End month of season
? Variable statistic  Mean    Anomaly    Long Term Mean (climatology)
? Plot Type  Map    Depth/Latitude    Depth/Longitude
? Map Projection  Cylindrical Equidistant    Orthographic    Mercator    Mollweide    Robinson  
For Orthographic: Center Lat: Center Lon:
? Map Region
? Colortable
? Color Shading:
? Scale plot size (%)   Plot contour labels  No    Yes
? Reverse colorbar  No    Yes
? Contour or Cell fill  Contour    Cell
? Override default contour interval Interval: Range: low high
? Output Type:  PNG  KML
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