Ocean Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool: Monthly/Seasonal Time-Series

New! Sort time-series values within each month or by all values.
Plot monthly time series from different reanalysis datasets as well as differences between reanalyses and related products.
We encourage user suggestions on reanalysis.org .

? Dataset 1 Optional: subtract or additionally plot Dataset 2
? Which variable for D1 Depth for D1
? Start Year ? End Year
? Time Averaging None Seasonal (1 value/year)

? First Month Season Last Month
? Variable statistic Mean Anomaly Standardized Anomalies (by month) Standardized Anomalies Long Term Mean
? Grid Point/Region 1*:
Lowest lat: (-90 to 90) Highest lat:
Western-most longitude (-180 to 360): Eastern-most longitude (0 to 360):
? Land/Ocean Mask options All Land Only Ocean

? Output Type Timeseries Distrib. Cross or Auto Corr. Scatterplot Wavelet Heatmap
? Plot Type Line Bar

? Remove Trend No Yes (Mean Removed)
? Optionally Sort Time-series None By Month Entire Timeseries
? Return Extreme Periods No Yes Minimum length of extreme period in months
? Threshold None Sigma Percentile Percentile (by month) Value
    Threshold for extreme period:

? Running Mean Smoothing No Yes
? Override default Y axis Bounds Low to High: to
? Override default Year Range/X-Axis Low to High: to
? Markers on line plots No Yes
? Legend location Top right Bottom right Top left Bottom left
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* Time series can be averaged across 0E using negative longitudes for 1st longitude bound. Actual grid center of the bounds used in each dataset are returned below the plot. Grid resolutions differ so datasets will potentially use slightly different lat/lons for the same input lat/lon.NCL uses the closest grid.
WRIT is supported in part by NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory, the NOAA Climate Program Office, and the US Department of Energy's Office of Science (BER). WRIT contributes to the Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) Initiative.

This is a Research and Development Application